9th Class Physics Guess Paper

9th Class Physics Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board 

9th Class Physics Guess Paper has crucial importance for Ninth Science students There is very easy formula for getting Good marks and for getting passing marks in Board examination . if you want to get good marks in physic exam you should prepare only first 6 chapter for long question and short question of all books and mcqs if you want to get passing marks than prepare only just first three chapter complete you’ll be surely passed in your exam with 100% guarantee.

9th Class Physics Paper Pattern 2023

There will be 12 Mcqs in Your board exams of Physics You should prepare chapter exercise mcqs for getting 12 marks in your paper and Past papers of Physics.

9th Class Physics Short Question Pattern 

There is three Part of short question will be asked in Physic exam. Every part contain Eight short question in which you will attempt only five short question in each part.

  • Part One  (5×2=10)
  • Part two  (5×2=10)
  • Part three (5×2=10)

 9th Class Physics Long Question Pattern

There will be 3 Pair of long question  will be asked in Physic exam in which you attempt only 2 pair of long question and each long question contain 9 marks Theory question marks will be four and Numerical marks will be five total marks will be Nine.

  • First pair Ch 2+3 (Marks 9)
  • Second pair Ch 4+5+6 (Marks 9)
  • Third Pair Ch 7+8+9 (Marks 9)

Ninth Class Physics Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board  All Short Question, Long Question and Numerical  For 2023. These guess paper of Physic cover only Punjab boards.

9th Physics Short Question 2023

  1. Define Physics?
  2. What is meant by least count of Vernier calipers?
  3. Write the unit of current and Temperature
  4. Write the unit Speed , Acceleration Pressure, Force,
  5. Define Significant Figures with example?
  6. Define Acceleration with its formula?
  7. Define prefixes with the help of example?
  8. What is gravitational acceleration? Write its Value
  9. Define Scientific notation with example?
  10. Define the term position?
  11. Write the difference between scalars and vectors?
  12. Define Force?
  13. Define Momentum with its formula?
  14. Define Rigid Body?
  15. Define Center of gravity?
  16. Define Velocity with its Formula?
  17. Define Newton?
  18. Define inertia?
  19. Define Rolling Friction?
  20. Define coefficient of friction?
  21. Write any two methods of reducing Friction?
  22. Define moment arm?
  23. What is meant by equilibrium?
  24. Define Power with its formula?
  25. Define Efficiency with its formula?
  26. Define gravitational potential energy?
  27. Define watt?
  28. What are artificial satellites?
  29. What is the Value of G?
  30. Define Density with its Formula?
  31. Define Second condition of equilibrium?
  32. Define Torque with its Formula?
  33. What is Head to tail Rule?
  34. Define Elasticity?
  35. What is stress? Write its formula?
  36. Define Radiation?
  37. Define Hooks Law?
  38. What is Pascal law?
  39. Define Pressure with its Formula?
  40. Application of Pascal’s law
  41. Define Heat and Temperature
  42. Define Heat Capacity?
  43. What is latent heat of vaporization?
  44. Define Conduction of heat?
  45. Define land breeze and sea breeze.

9th Class Physics Long Question 2023

  1. Second Equation of motion with the help of diagram.
  2. Relationship between force and momentum?
  3. Newton third law of motion with the help of examples.
  4. Define and Explain Law of conservation of Momentum?
  5. Define Centripetal force. Derive its Formula. Give Example 
  6. Define and Explain First Condition of Equilibrium?
  7. Define and explain Resolution of Forces
  8. Calculate Mass of Earth
  9. What are Artificial Satellite Calculate the motion of artificial satellites
  10. Define Kinetic Energy. Derive its formula?
  11. Define Young Modulus. Derive its formula?
  12. Linear and Volume thermal expansion?

Ninth Physic Numerical 2023

  • Chapter 2:    2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6
  • Chapter 3:      3.5, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
  • Chapter 4:      4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7
  • Chapter 5:      5.1, 5.3, 5.7, 5.9
  • Chapter 6:      6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.9
  • Chapter 7:      7.1, 7.5, 7.6, 7.12
  • Chapter 8:      8.3, 8.4, 8.7
  • Chapter 9:      None





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